Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPhone 5 fall release date signaled by iOS 5 concurrent hint

iphone5 iPhone 5 release date watchers should be out partying, not setting home fretting. Apple has unveiled iOS 5 in broad strokes and declared that it’ll be delivered in the fall of 2011. That means, in nearly certain terms, that the iPhone 5 will arrive in the fall along with it. In fact, Apple’s proclivity for tying each new iPhone release to the release of the concurrent new operating system means that iOS 5 and the iPhone 5 can be counted on to arrive in the same week. So why all this talk of the iPhone 5 not arriving until 2012, or some nonsensical “iPhone 4S” in between? Because, it seems, some observers can’t count to five – or, at least, they can’t connect the dots which show that the iPhone 5 will be here in the fall. But, then, what exactly does “fall” mean?

The textbook definition of the autumn, the annual season, is from late September to late December. But scratch that latter part, as a major December hardware release would spell disaster from a retail, distribution, inventory, turnover, and even marketing standpoint. In fact iPhone 5 will undoubtedly be in place well before the beginning of the holiday shopping season, which kicks off Thanksgiving week. Backing up even further, Apple’s own history reveals that over the past five years it has always introduced new hardware no later on the calendar than early September, and shipped it no later than late September.

That dovetails nicely with the fact that the fall season just happens to begin in late September. So there’s your answer as to the iPhone 5 release date, more or less. iPhone 5 developer beta testing could end up taking longer than hoped, which could push the iOS 5 launch (and the iPhone 5 launch with it) into perhaps October – but that’s the latest we’d expect to see it under almost any circumstances. If anything, it’s more likely to show up earlier – say, August – as no one ever complains about a product arriving early. Except, of course, for those who just bought a Verizon iPhone 4 or a white iPhone 4 the month prior. But then again, some folks just aren’t paying attention to the signals Apple has been sending regarding the iPhone 5 release date.


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